Responsive & Reliable Patient Transport Services To Local Trust's & Nationwide
Our emergency vehicles include rapid response cars, fully equipped emergency ambulances, bariatric and patient transport vehicles, wheelchair accessible vehicles and school transport vehicles. All of our vehicles are equipped and maintained to the highest specification and are subject to stringent safety and service plans.
- Front Line Emergency
- Intermediate
- Bariatric
- Scheduled Patient Transportation
- Secure Patient Transport
- Specialist Needs Patient Transport
- Transport of Discharged Patients
You can be assured with Amvale that all staff are equipped and trained in full PPE specific to their role and operate to full robust policies and procedures, including in relation to COVID-19 and the Coronavirus.
Amvale also employs the use of their own sanitiser unit that applies a powerful disinfectant throughout potentially contaminated areas in aerosol form, sanitising the air and all exposed surfaces, including floors, ceilings, carpets, corners and crevices. The particles are so small that they can pass into HEPA filters of air-conditioning units.
There are no risks to people, surfaces or electronic equipment, and upon completion of the process, there are no wet patches or traces of residue.