
Emergency Medical Transport Nationwide

If you’re looking for emergency road, sea and air transport services, then your search ends with Amvale Medical Transport Ltd. We serve across the Scunthorpe and nationwide, offering a wide range of SERVICES
Here for you – 24 hours a day | 7 days a week | 365 days a year – tap the phone/email icons below to contact us instantly


01724 874 999 - (24 hours)
0800 695 1111 - Scotland


Unit 1 C/D, South Park Industrial Estate, Birkdale Road, Scunthorpe, DN17 2AU

Company Contacts

Peter Brown: (Managing Director)
Simon Hudson: (General Manager)
Gary Sidwell: (Clinical & Training Manager)
Control: (24/7/365):
PTS Enquiries (Scunthorpe):
PTS Enquiries (Grimsby): 
Schools & SEN Transport:  (Doncaster & Scunthorpe) 
Schools & SEN Transport:  (Grimsby, Lincoln, Skegness, Gainsborough)
Ambulance Station & Fleet Office:
Accounts Department:
Admin Department:

Complaints & duty of Candour

After the introduction of a statutory requirement to be open and transparent with patients and their families following certain types of patient safety incidents (Duty of Candour), the link below provides access for you in respect to any enquiries, feedback, complaints or experience you may have.  If you are unhappy with the treatment or services that you have received from our staff, then you are entitled to raise this, have it considered and receive a response from us.   All complaints should be addressed to: [email protected] or call 01724 877 158 


We are committed to providing the best possible service to our client’s at all times.  If you would like to make recognition of the good work we do and the services we provide then we would be most grateful to receive them via these contact addresses:

Service User Satisfaction Survey & Patient Engagement Feedback Questionnaire:

Listening to your views is essential to us providing a patient-focused service.  We would like you to tell us straight away if you are happy or not with the service you have received from us.  Your feedback is important because it helps us to understand where we can make improvements and where we are providing a good service. You can contact us on our e-mail – [email protected] or use the “Submit Patient Transport Feedback” link below to share your customer experience.  Thank you.

Or use your camera to scan the QR Code above to take the Survey on your mobile or tablet device.